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Encouraging the Search for Truth

When we seek and receive new information it improves our knowledge as a student, a teacher. counselor or even a believer. The process in...

“Drawing Close”

At this time when we are almost at the end of the year, we have to look at a bigger picture wherein we are like pieces of puzzle being...

Also For Ourselves

Receiving when we are giving. What is the real art of caring?. Is it an act of service? An expression of compassion or the practice of...

To Live Again

Future hope in this devastating experience. No matter what happens to us, this does not mean that we drive into despair, nor should it...

Anger Within You

How do we learn to handle and face issues we have at hand? We find it hard to start with ourselves. It may sound strange, but in a...

The New Spring

This may initially be very unsettling, for it can be found somewhere in the midst of this new turmoil we are in this “new normal...

An Outward Glance

Self-confident people trust their own abilities, have a general sense of control in their lives and believe that within reason, they will...

A Road Towards Integrity

As helping professionals or even as a person did we encounter those who acknowledge and have to recognize their weaknesses,...

Leaving Ourselves

There are many reasons why we have a tendency to put ourselves in the center of our own personal universe. From this position, we think...

Too Full

In today’s corner I want to share my insight as a helping professional in the midst of this “new normal way of our lives.” One of my own...

Others Expectations

Going over and beyond, the heart of any community is the family which is the basic unit of society, our context of friends from the...

Our Everyday Life

Our everyday life is not an ordinary life. The ordinary can be sometimes our way to escape from the real world. A world where we expect...

Small Acts of Kindness

In our everyday activities and with other people, sometimes we are called to do great acts of kindness or make great sacrifices for the...

A Grateful Heart

Our hearts can tell us one thing, while reality often tells us another. Our hearts may desire the good and the beautiful, but the life...

Finding New Directions

There are many ways in which we draw ourselves into a myriad of activities, all of which are important. All demanding more of our time,...


Sometimes, we are afraid to be alone. Why? We are afraid of what we may discover about ourselves. When we stop long enough to be still...

Unraveling My Profession

I like to dedicate this blog post to all helping professionals in any way doing their unconditional service for others. In my clinical...

Discovering Our Weaknesses

There is a saying which goes this way.. "Which gives more satisfaction to our lives?" Status, because you found yourself at the top of a...

Help Is Here

As a mental health professional... Sometimes we can be too anxious to help, sometimes we can be too quick in problem-solving like we are...

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