As a mental health professional...
Sometimes we can be too anxious to help, sometimes we can be too quick in problem-solving like we are advice-givers, giving answers to questions and moreover often than not we share our experiences.
We, therefore, need to be careful, we don't push people towards solutions, because these are their own personal stories and intimate journeys. Instead, we create a space, give time as well as support and encouragement. Allow them to experience the emotions they feel, even if it is painful, to unravel the answers to their queries, and yes discover their own expectations. We journey with our clients at their own pace, give support and help as needed but it also means leave everything to their very own resources.
I end up with Fritz Perls gestalt therapy verbatim... “ You are you and I am I, and if by chance we find each other It’s beautiful. But if not, it cannot be helped.”
Disclaimer: Yours truly is not putting any person's clients or not at risk.
Similarities are just a coincidence.
