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Writer's pictureDr. Josefina Madrid

Discovering Our Weaknesses

Updated: Jul 1, 2020

There is a saying which goes this way.. "Which gives more satisfaction to our lives?"

Status, because you found yourself at the top of a prominent position, when you started first from the very bottom of that ladder.

Money, because it gives you satisfaction when you have the financial resources to do what you fancy or go anywhere you want to go at the spur of the moment.

Power, because you are a famous speaker and writer known for your eloquent words of wisdom.

All of these can become the controlling factors of our lives and honestly powerful temptations.

Ambition, self adulation and power can be overwhelming.

Therefore for a minute, I want

you to allow your minds and ponder on these that LIFE has different meanings for different persons.

Think about our life's directions, priorities, activities and listen to what our hearts are saying...

We are here to listen ..


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