Self-confident people trust their own abilities, have a general sense of control in their lives and believe that within reason, they will be able to do what they wish , plan and expect.
There are two major ways of becoming who we think we are, one positive and the other is negative.
Listening to oneself, which could be a small voice in our heads or a flicker of light in our hearts we understand what we think, feel and react.
The other is focusing on things which would make us feel bad about ourselves, and eventually this negativity affects our thoughts, emotions and behaviour.
When we look at our personal mirror, what do we like to see?
How others see us?
Or how we want others to see us?
Learning the art of knowing one self is to make room and space to accept that which frequently people see in us.
Thus, the discovery can be with or without pain and acceptance and become true and letting go of our own true self.
“ When we fail to see what our eyes can perceive, then we can not possibly believe what can be unseen.”
Doc M