I like to dedicate this blog post to all helping professionals in any way doing their unconditional service for others.
In my clinical practice as a psychologist and a counselor, I was exposed to different cases where I was able to employ my knowledge of psychological interventions, different assessment techniques, and my counseling skills.
However, the practice gave me an opportunity to look deeper into the life experiences of my clients but at the same time reaching out to them was emotionally rewarding as well.
The different clients I handled were like delicate containers that have cracks or broken into smaller pieces. These represent the traumatic events, painful experiences that happened from the past, and still haunts them to their present lives. They feel helpless and hopeless at the same time. Sometimes, they even think that they have no value, not worth fixing, and in total darkness.
I guess I consider myself privileged to handle these clients who are too scared, too bruised and broken. I believe having the capacity to reach out to these people who are in complete darkness, I could be a spark of light which could penetrate even the smallest hinge which is to their deepest souls, I can still be that beacon of light...
Doc M
Disclaimer: Yours truly is not putting any person's clients or not at risk. Similarities are just a coincidence.
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