There are many ways in which we draw ourselves into a myriad of activities, all of which are important. All demanding more of our time, energy, attention, and commitment.
* more time with the family
*completion of projects
* work completion
* time out with friends
*involvement with our children’s activities
* church activities
The support and care often demand more than we are able to give.
The end product would be finding our energies ebb away and like uprooted trees our roots are wildly upside down, anxiously want to be replanted again in nourishing soil.
When we become responsible to decisively make our own choices we should also make a movement towards a new direction, from restlessness to being restful, and find a new center.
It is not an attempt to escape the pressures of this world but bringing out the best in us even if it is something quite different.
A greater challenge is not doing but to be directed to a place where we can be heard, not the old and familiar but to hear again what our hearts are saying...
“ to be loved, nurtured, and infinitely appreciated.”
Doc M
Disclaimer: Yours truly is not putting any person's clients or not at risk. Similarities are just a coincidence.
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