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Writer's pictureDr. Josefina Madrid

The Gift of Responsibility

This covid 19 have so much caused disruption to our lives in many different ways we could never have imagined. Amidst these trying and difficult times so many have shown heroic acts of courage. In the medical field doctors, nurses and other frontliners gave immeasurable services. In our everyday encounters as ordinary people, parents, brothers, sisters, who have shown love, patience and care. The teachers, counselors, social workers who renders support and made us feel good, especially those who are physically, emotionally and mentally challenged. Responsibility is a priceless gift we can give to another. It could be expressed in simple ways like sharing a meal, provision of a necessity or just a shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen to the cries of a heart full of doubts, fears and pain. More important it means when one allows another person to take responsibility.

Then the significance would be to be responsible as well. It is giving out without waiting to receive. Here in lies the “mystery of life itself “ where we create a pattern for our being, thinking and responding.

An expression of what requires to what one can and ought to be.

Doc M

Photo originally from Guada.


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Mrz Dordas
Mrz Dordas
Oct 10, 2021

I love the message.. May I ask permission to share the message to my colleague? Thanks Doc M. for being a source of motivation and inspiration.

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