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Spiritual Maturity

Being matured with life means remaining open to other people’s judgment and opinions. Sadly for some it seems that being matured has...

Making Painful Choices

Setting parameters in the midst of our new normal way of life. Every time we say Yes to one thing, we may by implication be saying No to...

True Freedom

Life is more than it’s circumstances! It has been a year since we are in this “new normal” way of living. We are always to a greater or...

“Emotional Intelligence”

Are you an emotionally intelligent person? Do we really understand what is happening all around us?, in today’s world? In our country,...

Do Not Be Afraid

Have you experienced life changing events? Life is a pilgrimage, but sometimes we do not see our life for what it really is. There are...

Truth ! Beauty! Goodness!

We still have these qualities which makes women strong... In celebration of international women’s month, I would like to re-echo my...

Now Is Your Time

How can I recapture the past? There is nothing quite like the beautiful, joyful, fun filled love of a child. As I am writing this post...

Just Being Human

How many times have you heard the statement "I am just being human" out of exasperation, dissatisfaction and lame excuses? If I ask you...

Feels Like Disoriented

Are you ready to take yourself to the next level? Are you open to the possibilities that are present around you, but remains unseen? What...

“It Is The Little Things”

What list of attributes describes your best self? This is not about feminism, nor being liberal-minded, nor equality between genders....

The Gentle Voice Within

When was the last time you paused to listen to the soft voice before making decisions? Life is wonderful. Life has a tendency to slip...

We Have All Doubts

Do your doubts unsettle you? Do you see them as an invitation to grow? It is natural to have doubts, but we have a responsibility to seek...

You Have A Future

Amazing, how we have gone this far with our Dr. m’s corner. What do you believe in? About the past which can be keeping you from moving...

In Search of Excellence

Are you committed to a life of excellence? A tribute and dedication to my father and to all fathers out there.. We all need heroes, in...

Turning A New Leaf

As the year comes to an end, we think of times ahead in our future, a new transition, a new difficulty or even a new challenge. There are...

The Art of Giving and Receiving

The art of giving is always a big challenge to us. Giving is relatively easy, but the call to really give with a grateful heart at times...


Overcoming a divided self. What does it mean a divided self? We deserve the good. But sometimes we do the opposite. We hope for the best,...

“The Little Way”

Every form of goodness has its shadow. Every blessing we receive has its downside. And every form of strength has its weakness. To be...

Loving Me

There are some instances that we associate selfishness as an act of self-love and thereby satisfying our own personal gratification....

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